You can accomplish anything in life, provided you do not mind who gets the credit.

Harry Truman



In his research for his best-selling book, ‘Good to Great’, Jim Collins found only 11 companies that made the leap from good to great results and sustained these results for at least 15 years. One key factor that Collins found present in all these great companies is what he calls ‘Level 5’ leadership. While CEO’s with level 5 leadership ability are driven by the determination to produce sustained results, they are ambitious first and foremost for the company, not themselves.


Now for the big surprise: these leaders tend to be modest and understated, giving credit to others rather than taking it for themselves. They are true ‘servant’ leaders, empowering and helping those at the coal face of the company to excel, and giving them all the credit when they do. Actually, this is not really such a surprise. After all, who wants to go the extra mile for an egotistical braggart who takes all the credit for himself?


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Speakr, trainer, author