Making work more fun than fun

  ‘Work.’ The word sounds with a sickening thud. It has a dark, dirty connotation even greater than that other four-letter word. You don’t have to be a coal-miner to wonder whether sixteen hours of eating, sleeping and what ever other scant compensation you...

Recession-Proof your head

Earlier this year I started to feel business slip and then I saw that word in the papers – RECESSION! Looking at my mortgage payment I took in a deep breath and thought about two restaurant owners, John and Bill. John goes to a hospitality conference. Bill can’t make...

The only way to change your life

  You’ve heard it before, change is inevitable – except from a vending machine! What isn’t inevitable is whether we lead change, or change leads us. Charles Darwin didn’t say the strongest or fittest of the species will survive, he said those who most responsive...

When agony is bliss

So you want to know how I am? Well that old rugby injury feels like I’ve been stabbed with a panga, I’m sure my boss is Adolf Hitler’s granddaughter, my immigration papers for Australia have been rejected and I’m stuck here in the hellhole they call South Africa. The...

Islamophile jew

There seems to be an assumption that as a Jew one can’t respect Islam or that as a Muslim one can’t respect Judaism. This is ludicrous because in fact Judaism and Islam are closer than any other two religions. Not only are they monotheistic and share a single father,...